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CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy

Source: Writer: Date:2022-03-04 View: 4521
CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
palate 腭
pancreas 胰
paranasal sinus   鼻旁窦
parasympathetic nerve副交感神经
parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺
paraumbilical v. 附脐静脉
parotid gland 腮腺
patella 髌骨
pectoralis major m. 胸大肌
pelvic diaphragm 盆膈
pelvis 骨盆
penis 阴茎
pericardium 心包
perineum 会阴
peripheral nervous system周围神经系统
peritoneum 腹膜
peroneal a. 腓动脉
phalanges 指骨/趾骨
pharynx 咽
phrenic n. 膈神经
pineal corpus  松果体
pleura 胸膜
pleural cavity 胸膜腔
pleural recesses 胸膜隐窝
pons   脑桥
popliteal a. 腘动脉
porta hepatis 肝门
portal v. 门静脉
posterior funiculus 后索
posterior tibial a. 胫后动脉
prostate/prostate gland前列腺
pterion 翼点
pubic symphysis 耻骨联合
pubis    耻骨
pulmonary orifice 肺动脉口
pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干
pupil 瞳孔
pylorus 幽门
pyramidal decussation锥体交叉
pyramid   锥体
quadriceps femoris m.股四头肌
radial a. 桡动脉
radiocarpal joint/wrist joint桡腕关节
radius       桡骨
rectouterine pouch直肠子宫陷凹
rectovesical ponch 直肠膀胱陷凹
rectum 直肠
red nucleus 红核
renal hilum 肾门
renal pedicle 肾蒂
reproductive system生殖系统
respiratory system 呼吸系统
reticular formation 网状结构spinal cord   脊髓
retina 视网膜
rib          肋
right gastroepiploic a.胃网膜右动脉
sacral plexus 骶丛
sacrum        骶骨
salivary glands 唾液腺
sarospinous ligament骶棘韧带
sarotuberous ligament骶结节韧带
sartorius m. 缝匠肌
scapula     肩胛骨
sciatic n. 坐骨神经
sclera 巩膜
scrotum 阴囊
semicircular canal 半规管
seminal vesicle 精囊
sensory organs 感觉器
serratus anterior m. 前锯肌
sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘
shoulder joint 肩关节
sigmoid colon 乙状结肠
sinuatrial node 窦房结
small intestine 小肠
spermatic cord 精索
sphenoidal sinus    蝶窦
spinal cord   脊髓
spinal ganglia 脊神经节
spinal nerve 脊神经
spinal pia mater  软脊膜
splanchnology 内脏学
spleen 脾
splenic a. 脾动脉
sternal angle 胸骨角
sternocleidomastoid m.胸锁乳突肌
sternum       胸骨
stomach, gaster 胃
subarachnoid space 蛛网膜下隙
subclavian a. 锁骨下动脉
sublingual gland 舌下腺
submandibular gland 下颌下腺
subphrenic space 膈下间隙
substantia nigra 黑质
superficial inguinal lymph nodes 腹股沟浅淋巴结
superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓
superficial temporal a.颞浅动脉
superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上动脉
superior vena cava 上腔静脉
suprarenal gland  肾上腺
sympathetic nerve 交感神经
synosteosis 骨性结合
tarsal bones 跗骨
telencephalon   端脑
temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节
tendon 肌腱
terminal line 界线
testis 睾丸
thalamus   丘脑
thoracic aorta 胸主动脉
thoracic cage   胸廓
thoracic duct 胸导管
thoracic vertebrae   胸椎
thymus 胸腺
thyroid gland    甲状腺
tibia   胫骨
tibial n. 胫神经
tongue 舌
tonsil 扁桃体
tooth 牙
trachea 气管
transverse tarsal joint跗横关节
trapezius m. 斜方肌
triceps brachii m. 肱三头肌
triceps surae m. 小腿三头肌
tricuspid valve 三尖瓣
trigeminal n. 三叉神经
trochlear n. 滑车神经
tympanic cavity 鼓室
tympanic membrane 鼓膜
ulna       尺骨
ulnar a. 尺动脉
ureter 输尿管
urethra 尿道
urinary bladder 膀胱
urinary system 泌尿系统
urogenital diaphragm尿生殖膈
uterine a. 子宫动脉
uterine tube 输卵管
uterus 子宫
vagina 阴道
vagus n. 迷走神经
vermiform appendix 阑尾
vertebra  椎骨
vertebral column   脊柱
vestibule 前庭
vestibulocochlear n.前庭蜗神经
visual organs 视器
vitreous body 玻璃体
white matter 白质

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CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
Source: Writer: Date:2022-03-04 Views: 4521 次
CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
palate 腭
pancreas 胰
paranasal sinus   鼻旁窦
parasympathetic nerve副交感神经
parathyroid gland 甲状旁腺
paraumbilical v. 附脐静脉
parotid gland 腮腺
patella 髌骨
pectoralis major m. 胸大肌
pelvic diaphragm 盆膈
pelvis 骨盆
penis 阴茎
pericardium 心包
perineum 会阴
peripheral nervous system周围神经系统
peritoneum 腹膜
peroneal a. 腓动脉
phalanges 指骨/趾骨
pharynx 咽
phrenic n. 膈神经
pineal corpus  松果体
pleura 胸膜
pleural cavity 胸膜腔
pleural recesses 胸膜隐窝
pons   脑桥
popliteal a. 腘动脉
porta hepatis 肝门
portal v. 门静脉
posterior funiculus 后索
posterior tibial a. 胫后动脉
prostate/prostate gland前列腺
pterion 翼点
pubic symphysis 耻骨联合
pubis    耻骨
pulmonary orifice 肺动脉口
pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干
pupil 瞳孔
pylorus 幽门
pyramidal decussation锥体交叉
pyramid   锥体
quadriceps femoris m.股四头肌
radial a. 桡动脉
radiocarpal joint/wrist joint桡腕关节
radius       桡骨
rectouterine pouch直肠子宫陷凹
rectovesical ponch 直肠膀胱陷凹
rectum 直肠
red nucleus 红核
renal hilum 肾门
renal pedicle 肾蒂
reproductive system生殖系统
respiratory system 呼吸系统
reticular formation 网状结构spinal cord   脊髓
retina 视网膜
rib          肋
right gastroepiploic a.胃网膜右动脉
sacral plexus 骶丛
sacrum        骶骨
salivary glands 唾液腺
sarospinous ligament骶棘韧带
sarotuberous ligament骶结节韧带
sartorius m. 缝匠肌
scapula     肩胛骨
sciatic n. 坐骨神经
sclera 巩膜
scrotum 阴囊
semicircular canal 半规管
seminal vesicle 精囊
sensory organs 感觉器
serratus anterior m. 前锯肌
sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘
shoulder joint 肩关节
sigmoid colon 乙状结肠
sinuatrial node 窦房结
small intestine 小肠
spermatic cord 精索
sphenoidal sinus    蝶窦
spinal cord   脊髓
spinal ganglia 脊神经节
spinal nerve 脊神经
spinal pia mater  软脊膜
splanchnology 内脏学
spleen 脾
splenic a. 脾动脉
sternal angle 胸骨角
sternocleidomastoid m.胸锁乳突肌
sternum       胸骨
stomach, gaster 胃
subarachnoid space 蛛网膜下隙
subclavian a. 锁骨下动脉
sublingual gland 舌下腺
submandibular gland 下颌下腺
subphrenic space 膈下间隙
substantia nigra 黑质
superficial inguinal lymph nodes 腹股沟浅淋巴结
superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓
superficial temporal a.颞浅动脉
superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上动脉
superior vena cava 上腔静脉
suprarenal gland  肾上腺
sympathetic nerve 交感神经
synosteosis 骨性结合
tarsal bones 跗骨
telencephalon   端脑
temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节
tendon 肌腱
terminal line 界线
testis 睾丸
thalamus   丘脑
thoracic aorta 胸主动脉
thoracic cage   胸廓
thoracic duct 胸导管
thoracic vertebrae   胸椎
thymus 胸腺
thyroid gland    甲状腺
tibia   胫骨
tibial n. 胫神经
tongue 舌
tonsil 扁桃体
tooth 牙
trachea 气管
transverse tarsal joint跗横关节
trapezius m. 斜方肌
triceps brachii m. 肱三头肌
triceps surae m. 小腿三头肌
tricuspid valve 三尖瓣
trigeminal n. 三叉神经
trochlear n. 滑车神经
tympanic cavity 鼓室
tympanic membrane 鼓膜
ulna       尺骨
ulnar a. 尺动脉
ureter 输尿管
urethra 尿道
urinary bladder 膀胱
urinary system 泌尿系统
urogenital diaphragm尿生殖膈
uterine a. 子宫动脉
uterine tube 输卵管
uterus 子宫
vagina 阴道
vagus n. 迷走神经
vermiform appendix 阑尾
vertebra  椎骨
vertebral column   脊柱
vestibule 前庭
vestibulocochlear n.前庭蜗神经
visual organs 视器
vitreous body 玻璃体
white matter 白质
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