CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
Source: Writer: Date:2022-03-04 View: 4681
CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
gall bladder 胆囊
ganglion 神经节
glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经
gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌
gray matter 灰质
great saphenous v. 大隐静脉
greater omentum 大网膜
greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔
heart 心
hip bone 髋骨
hip joint 髋关节
hippocampal formation 海马结构
humerus 肱骨
hypoglossal n. 舌下神经
hypophysis 垂体
hypothalamus 下丘脑
ileum 回肠
ilium 髂骨
inguinal canal 腹股沟管
inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带
inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角
interatrial septum 房间隔
intercostal m. 肋间肌
intercostal n. 肋间神经
internal capsule 内囊
internal carotid a. 颈内动脉
internal jugular v. 颈内静脉
interventricular septum 室间隔
intervertebral disc 椎间盘
iris 虹膜
ischium 坐骨
jejunum 空肠
joint, articulation 关节
kidney 肾
knee joint 膝关节
lacrimal apparatus 泪器
larynx 喉
lateral ventricle 侧脑室
latissimus dorsi m. 背阔肌
left gastric a. 胃左动脉
lens 晶状体
limbic system 边缘系统
linea alba 腹白线
liver, hepar 肝
locomotor system 运动系统
lumbar plexus 腰丛
lumbar vertebrae 腰椎
lung 肺
lymphatic syatem 淋巴系统
macula lutea 黄斑
mamma, breast 乳房
mandibular n. 下颌神经
maxillary n. 上颌神经
maxillary sinus 上颌窦
medial geniculate body 内侧膝状体
median cubital v. 肘正中静脉
median n. 正中神经
mediastinum 纵隔
medulla 髓质
medulla oblongata 延髓
meniscus 半月板mycology 肌学
mesentery 肠系膜
metacarpal bones 掌骨
metatarsal bones 跖骨
midbrain, mesencephalon中脑
mitral valve 二尖瓣
muscle 肌肉
musculocutaneous n. 肌皮神经
nasal cavity 鼻腔
nose 鼻
nucleus 神经核
obliquus externus abdominis m. 腹外斜肌
obturator n. 闭孔神经
oculomotor n. 动眼神经
olfactory n. 嗅神经
omental burse 网膜囊
ophthalmic a. 眼动脉
ophthalmic n. 眼神经
optic chiasma 视交叉
optic disc 视神经盘
optic n. 视神经
oral cavity 口腔
orbit 眶
osteology 骨学
ovary 卵巢
CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
Source: Writer: Date:2022-03-04 Views: 4681 次
CODEX Medical Translation - Glossary of Chinese and English anatomy
gall bladder 胆囊
ganglion 神经节
glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经
gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌
gray matter 灰质
great saphenous v. 大隐静脉
greater omentum 大网膜
greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔
heart 心
hip bone 髋骨
hip joint 髋关节
hippocampal formation 海马结构
humerus 肱骨
hypoglossal n. 舌下神经
hypophysis 垂体
hypothalamus 下丘脑
ileum 回肠
ilium 髂骨
inguinal canal 腹股沟管
inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带
inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角
interatrial septum 房间隔
intercostal m. 肋间肌
intercostal n. 肋间神经
internal capsule 内囊
internal carotid a. 颈内动脉
internal jugular v. 颈内静脉
interventricular septum 室间隔
intervertebral disc 椎间盘
iris 虹膜
ischium 坐骨
jejunum 空肠
joint, articulation 关节
kidney 肾
knee joint 膝关节
lacrimal apparatus 泪器
larynx 喉
lateral ventricle 侧脑室
latissimus dorsi m. 背阔肌
left gastric a. 胃左动脉
lens 晶状体
limbic system 边缘系统
linea alba 腹白线
liver, hepar 肝
locomotor system 运动系统
lumbar plexus 腰丛
lumbar vertebrae 腰椎
lung 肺
lymphatic syatem 淋巴系统
macula lutea 黄斑
mamma, breast 乳房
mandibular n. 下颌神经
maxillary n. 上颌神经
maxillary sinus 上颌窦
medial geniculate body 内侧膝状体
median cubital v. 肘正中静脉
median n. 正中神经
mediastinum 纵隔
medulla 髓质
medulla oblongata 延髓
meniscus 半月板mycology 肌学
mesentery 肠系膜
metacarpal bones 掌骨
metatarsal bones 跖骨
midbrain, mesencephalon中脑
mitral valve 二尖瓣
muscle 肌肉
musculocutaneous n. 肌皮神经
nasal cavity 鼻腔
nose 鼻
nucleus 神经核
obliquus externus abdominis m. 腹外斜肌
obturator n. 闭孔神经
oculomotor n. 动眼神经
olfactory n. 嗅神经
omental burse 网膜囊
ophthalmic a. 眼动脉
ophthalmic n. 眼神经
optic chiasma 视交叉
optic disc 视神经盘
optic n. 视神经
oral cavity 口腔
orbit 眶
osteology 骨学
ovary 卵巢