【CODEX翻译】GBT 191-2008 包装储运图示标志-英文版
【CODEX翻译】GBT 191-2008 包装储运图示标志-英文版
GBT 191-2008 包装储运图示标志
Packaging—Pictorial marking for handling of goods
1 范围
1 Scope
This standard specifies instructions, graphic symbols, sizes, colors, and application methods of packaging pictorial marking for handling of goods (hereinafter referred to as markings).
This standard is applicable to packages containing any kinds of goods.
2 标志的名称和图形符号
2 Instructions and graphic symbols of marking
Markings consist of graphic symbols, instructions and frame lines, with a total of 17 kinds. See Table 1.
表1 标志名称及图形
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